Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Am I Content?

We had a wonderful discussion on this topic in our here you go...

To be content...what does this mean?? It could mean different things to us at different times. But the very word, 'content' brings a sense of rest, tranquility, calmness, happiness, at peace with oneself. I often do feel content...when i watch my favourite team Chelsea win a match, a piece of authentic cheese cake (from big chill, but its too expensive, so its been a long recession mode!!), choco lava cake, etc etc...i am sure you too have your own could be buying a dream house or as mundane as having your favourite sundae. But, all these are so relative..what after I finish my cheese cake, what then...hmm..interesting!! i am sure, in biblical times, there were similar ways of finding contentment...maybe a earthen glass of nice wine, or putting on perfume got from India, or listening to a rabbi at the village synagogue. But then, these were also relative or in more simpler terms, short term.

In the Bible, Paul realises this and talks about this "secret" or mystery. In Philipians 4 :12, he writes, " I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." So, "being content" is actually a "secret" weird...why? it should be made obvious...but then what is the fun in it , right!!!

Paul was in a great position to talk about this...he was , prior to becoming a christian, a rich do i know this??? he was Gamaliel's protege and the person in-charge to hunt down the christians..very much like Christoph Walz's role in Inglorious Basterds, where his nick-name was the "jew hunter"..Paul would have been known as "christian hunter". So, anywayz, Paul had seen plenty and then after becoming a christian, he endured beatings, stoning, prison term, ship-wreck, hunger and finally beheading. So, when he says, in all these situations, he found the secret of being content, we should listen to him.

Three points or "mantra" according to Paul to be content:

Firstly, in 1 Timothy 6:8, it says, "But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." Basically, "roti and kapda" should make us content. But, I am sure we all have this two, if not then, kindly do something about it!! In common parlance also, we talk about roti and kapda, but then we have added one more term, "makaan" or "house". In popular terms, the needs of man are met by "roti, kapda and makaan". This concept was popularised by the 1970s movie starring Amitabh and has since been ingrained in our thoughts, our culture and in our conversations. Especially now, if you do not own a "makaan", then there is a problem. Everywhere around us, in ads, in newspapers, among our friends circle, there is a bombardment to buy a makaan. If one is not able to, then we are losing out on opportunity of a prices are low now, buy now!!! I have struggled with these thoughts, and I am sure you have too...but then ask a person who has bought a house..are you content now???
Food and clothing is the key...but does that mean we should not buy a house..i think there is nothing wrong in that...but as we say in Hindi...don't stretch your legs beyond the blanket..or something like that!!! Don't burn yourself out to own a house. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things shall be given to you, is what God promises us. I hope we keep our priorities right.

Secondly, in Hebrews 13:5, the Bible reads, " Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." aha, money, money...if only i had so much, i would be so happy...wrong..its a doesn't happen...and it will never happen. I experience it on a daily biggest struggle is to fight against "love of money". Nothing wrong in earning money, but there is a thin line from falling in love with it. How do I know I have fallen in love with it...simple, have you ever been infatuated in school or in your teen years...I have. We think about the person all the time, we go to any extreme to please him or her, we buy nice flowers....oh, the world is so colourful. Similarly when I am in love with money, I think about it all the time...i keep calculating in my mind, all my thoughts are related to money, in my conversations I end up talking about all, i can see only money everywhere.
The Bible says, keep our lives free from money and we will be content. Hard to do, but its the key to be content. The solution lies in doing godly things, study the bible with willing people, counsel hurting souls, invite people, open doors to hospitality. You will not have the time to fall in love with money!!!

Thirdly, in 1 Thessalonians 2:4, it reads " On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts." Most of the times, we end up doing things to please other people. It's natural..we can see them..feel them..touch them. But, it is pretty difficult to please them...but to please God, it is possible...for he has written down the way to please him. Great contentment lies in pleasing God. There is no better way to find contentment.

I hope this helps us.